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Historic Documents
The new valuation reduced to 700.0 pounds from 1,880.0 and a rent remission from 84.18.0 to 31.10.0 pounds.
Sheely wanted a boundary change that would take in the waterfall on Magnus's property. There isn't a map to show on the document with the STL replaced with a different number yet the acreage is the same ?
Non marked sections, 3, 9, 10 and 11. NO dates?
Sent to Sheely is the reduced valuation and rent remission.
1924 - Section 216 of the Land Act. Revaluation of rural land and adjustment of rent.
1927 - Section 12 of the land laws amendment.
Land Act
1927 - The Wilton property revaluation was carried out two years earlier in 1927. The land reduced to 812 pounds from 1,940, and rent to 36.10.0 from 87.6 pounds per annum.
As Above #16
Letter A
Letter B